Sunday, June 5, 2011


First of all, go to GitHub and register yourself. Next, to install git on your system you just need to run the follow command:

$ sudo apt-get install git-core git-gui git-doc

If already have ssh keys you can jump this paragraph. If you don't, this will create an .ssh folder on your home folder and generate ssh keys.

$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

It will ask you some questions, just press enter. Or don't, you may want to have password on your key, but that costs a lot of time and patience if you do a lot of commits, just think about it.

Now, open your web browser, go to GitHub click on Account Settings -> SSH Public Keys. Copy the content of the file and past it on the form, as shown in the image bellow. To open whit gedit:

$ gedit

GitHub SSH add form.

Right now you're able to start working. Maybe covering some git commands next time. For more information:

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